About Us

Her Story

MAMAH is a result of a long, challenging but rewarding journey. My husband and I are proud parents of three lovely boys Philip, Abraham and Jesse.

By the time we had our second child we were in some financial challenges exacerbated by the costly city life in Kampala where we both worked – but as parents, one of the most difficult challenges was dealing with the very low appetite of our sons, whose condition the paediatrician said would be improved by frequently providing their choice foods i.e. chicken, fish and fresh fruits. A number of attempts on this proved very much working but came at high cost that our financial status could not support, it was just unsustainable.

My husband agreed to go and start cultivating our plot in the village, approximately 70kms west of Kampala. I later joined him on the weekend trips to our new farm. We started with three hens, and about four mango trees, bananas, pineapples and oranges. Our hens laid eggs, multiplied in number but were stolen or died. We started piggery but they later all died. Pineapples failed as also bananas. Rain failures, pests, diseases, poor soil fertility and expensive fertilizers and other inputs, sometimes sheer ignorance on our part, and theft made farming nearly impossible. The venture soon became a source of stress and anger. Family and friends alike tried to dissuade us from the venture calling it a black hole that would only make us poorer. Being a medical doctor I needed no convincing that proper feeding is the basis for our children’s future, and it had to be sustained.

We persisted through trial and error, usually failed and started all over again; we visited other farmers and read a lot of literature about farming. We decided to intensify, diversify and integrate and above all adopt more environmentally friendly practices. Bobo Eco Farm was born. We now have rabbits, chicken, turkeys – all healthy sources of protein with lower levels of cholesterol, & mangoes, mushrooms, pumpkins, etc.

I started processing simsim /groundnuts into a peanut butter paste at my home; it soon became a delicacy for our children. Children from our close family members liked it too.

They started making orders with me. What used to give me pain and anger is now a source of laughter, contentment and accomplishment!

How else could we have celebrated such success than open our gates to others to learn so that they can also have the opportunity to succeed! I know many families are struggling the same way we used to.

I imagine very few women are aware that something like this can be achieved, or have the tenacity to begin, or the courage and inspiration to stay the course in the face of the manifold challenges.

Coming together to solve common challenges as mothers we find identity, courage and purpose in life. MAMAH was born of the hope and desire that together we may share in life and ‘be more’.

Our Partners

MAMAH collaborates with a number of institutions and individuals that support her mission.

Since 2012 MAMAH offices are housed (free of charge) at Bobo Eco Farm who also train our women members in improved farming methods.

2014, a UN volunteer based in Geneva – David Richoz offered to develop and host a website for MAMAH.

2014 the Natural Chemotherapeutic Research Institute, Ministry of Health – Uganda, partnered with MAMAH to study the efficacy of oyster mushrooms in controlling opportunistic infections among people living with HIV/AIDS. Groups of People Living with HIV/AIDS under MAMAH participated in the project.

In January 2015, Dr. Violet Gwokyalya, MAMAH CEO underwent a training in mushroom spawn (seed) production at the National Agricultural Research Laboratory – Kawanda.

2015 David Richoz donated a laptop computer to MAMAH – the first computer to be owned by the organization.

2016 David returned to Uganda with 2 sewing machines and donated them to two MAMAH women groups as an income generating project.

2016/2017 MAMAH was invited to partner on a 5 year project to address the challenges of sustainable food security in the Eastern Africa region utilizing insects as food and feed.

This is INSEFOODS – a World Bank funded Africa Centre of Excellence in Sustainable use of insects as food and feeds based at Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology (JOUST) in Kenya.

2018 David came back to Uganda and donated another laptop computer to MAMAH – MAMAH will always be grateful for this great friendship.


2017/2018 – The Private Sector Foundation Uganda (PSFU) through The Skills Development Facility (SDF) extended a financial grant to MAMAH (through a matching grant mechanism) to train 200 women in 10 MAMAH groups in mushroom growing and value addition skills – aimed at creating jobs, improve incomes and alleviate poverty among group members.

The groups chose mushroom production because it doesn’t require much land – hence a suitable venture for resource limited communities. They can also be processed into soup, porridge, and other products with a longer shelf life – further giving farmers a financial future with value addition.

Groups were also supported with mushroom growing structures and solar driers to kick-start their mushroom production projects.

September 2018 – the trained groups were graduated at a colourful ceremony officiated The State Minister for Youth and Children Affairs, Government of Uganda, Hon. Florence Nakiwala Kiyingi.

The PSFU – SDF grant also helped MAMAH to buy some of the equipment needed to start a mushroom spawn (seed) laboratory. The women face a challenge of access to affordable mushroom spawns. Currently, their only source of spawns is in Kampala the Capital city which is more than 80kms away from their rural locations. This highly increases their production costs and hence lowers the profitability of their mushroom production ventures. The laboratory will provide an accessible and affordable source of mushroom seeds for the women groups – within an average distance of 8km.



MAMAH with partners Impact Designs and Bobo Eco Farm are also supporting refugee farmer communities in Kyaka II Refugee settlement to produce the yellow mealworm for human consumption and the Black Soldier Fly Larvea for animal feeds. Farmers are equipped with rearing kits to start own production for both their use and for sale. They are organized into cooperatives for improved production and easy access to markets. These interventions are funded by DANIDA/CISU and the Novo Nordisk Foundation.

Farmers undergoing training in Black soldier fly larvae rearing

Farmers preparing their harvest of the Black Soldier Fly Larvae for sale

Farmers training to rear the yellow mealworm



MAMAH rolls out a novel intervention to improve school nutrition

MAMAH with partners Impact Designs and Bobo Eco Farm have introduced mealworm rearing in Uganda to improve the quality of meals children have at school. This has been possible with financial support from DANIDA/ CISU. Two schools in Kyaka II Refugee settlement participated in the pilot project aimed at fortification of school meals – porridge and posho with mealworm powder that is rich in protein.

We have established mealworm production sites in the schools and trained students and teachers to sustainably produce mealworm in their schools. Mealworm clubs led by the students have been established in all participating schools, and the mealworm production sites are now used as science corners – utilized for practical science lessons.  Parents Teachers’ Associations and the School Management Committees are all fully engaged in the promotion of mealworm production in schools.

With additional funding from The Novo Nordisk Foundation we have expanded to now 8 schools in Kyaka II Refugee settlement and the host community.

The yellow mealworm – children compare it to a Gorillo (common snack on the market)

Children like the taste as well as the aroma of mealworm fortified porridge

Baseline measurements of the children nutritional status
Before our interventions, we established the nutritional status of the children. We take the height, weight and mid upper arm circumference for each child so we can monitor their growth and development and the overall impact of our interventions.

MAMAH program officer taking anthropometric measurements

Each ‘Mealworm Club’ was equipped with a rearing kit to start mealworm rearing in their school. The club is supported by a patron – a teacher who was trained together with the children.

A member of the mealworm club in Bukere Primary School demonstrating the knowledge and skill acquired in mealworm rearing

In November 2020, our partners visited the schools and interacted with the mealworm clubs and the school leaders

The club leader of Light Primary School mealworm club sharing the experiences of the team

Meeting with Kyegegwa district Deputy Chief Administrative Officer to discuss the project

MAMAH director discussing the project progress with Impact Designs partners